Titre du livre SAGA les 9 clés de la sagesse Islandaise, par Philippe Rosset

The 9 Keys to Icelandic Wisdom

In the heart of the Icelandic landscapes, Philippe Rosset reveals to you the secrets of ancient wisdom. On this island of ice and fire, the Icelanders, distant descendants of the Vikings, managed to survive and adapt in an extreme environment, between volcanoes, harsh winters, and the trials of History.

They embody an example of resilience, strength of character and bravery, and their pragmatic and comprehensive wisdom can inspire us, wherever we are, whoever we are, to live richer and more fulfilled lives in these times of crisis and of troubles.

There is no question here of having prerequisites in spirituality or personal development: this is a book for all those who want to live a life an octave above!

Knowledge and wisdom

An island where the real mixes with the extraordinary, where nature roars its power and where the secrets of ancestral wisdom wait to be revealed.

Do you want to know how the Icelanders were able to develop a philosophy of life made of strength, resilience, and spirituality, in close connection with living and indomitable nature? Do you want to live a powerful life yourself, living up to your dreams and ambitions? This book is made for you!

Follow Philippe Rosset in Iceland !

- Live an initiatory journey by transcending life's challenges with courage and determination, by cultivating your strengths without hiding any of your dark sides...

- Discover the 9 keys to Icelandic wisdom: they contain valuable knowledge and pragmatic and stimulating life advice.

– Vibrate with the 81 Icelandic mantras accompanied by a detailed explanation and anecdotes about the places and legends of Iceland which will give you the tools to forge your own legend!

Enter the saga!

“SAGA” is much more than a book: it is an experience of personal growth, which takes you deep into your soul and invites you to become the hero of your story. You are the authors of your saga!

Livre SAGA les 9 clés de la sagesse islandaise, auteur Philippe Rosset .

A magical & meaningful journey

Welcome to your own saga!

A land of secrets and mysteries

Immerse yourself in a spellbinding journey to the heart of Iceland, where majestic landscapes, bewitching poetry and ancient mysticism reveal their deepest secrets.

Saga invites you to explore a rich culture, steeped in legends and mysteries, to draw from it age-old wisdom.

More than ever, at a time when the Earth is suffering and we have lost our bearings, let us dive into the song of the Icelandic land and the wisdom of its inhabitants.

Discover the philosophy of "þetta reddast" !

Saga invites you to explore the depths of your soul, to become the heroes of your own legend. No need to go to Iceland or live Icelandically: the 9 keys form a universal basis for facing the storms of life!

Let Icelandic wisdom flow through you and transform your life by letting yourself be inspired in turn by the beauties of these captivating Nordic landscapes and the courage of its inhabitants.

Tell yourself that “ þetta reddast”: “things will work out in the end”, key to all the keys to this powerful wisdom, necessary today in these difficult times and loss of benchmarks and values!

Live a unique experience !

Saga is much more than a book: it is an opportunity for personal growth. Saga takes you deep into your soul, inviting you to become the hero of your own story. Let yourself be guided by Icelandic wisdom and transform your life with it Saga. Find values, a code of conduct, made of bravery and heroism, so many elements which have almost disappeared from our societies!

Enter your own SAGA!

“I have always said that the broad outlines of a destiny are never sought or wanted. They are accidental. The important things in life are decided elsewhere. We think we are acting but we are being acted upon. I don't know by whom anyway. It could be Providence, it could be chance. One day we realize that we are committed in a direction and that it is impossible for us to return to the previous stage. Certain fundamental choices guide your existence without you realizing it at the time. It’s only beyond the fork in the road that you discover you were at a crossroads. » (Théodore MONOD, Terre et Ciel)

Auteur livre developpement personnel, Philippe Rosset

"For me, there is a mountain, the same for everyone, which we each climb by different paths. Some climb this way, others that way, but we all have one and the other, the ambition or hope of finding ourselves at the top, in the light, above the clouds."  (Théodore MONOD)

Philippe Rosset

Writer, traveler, explorer of consciousness

Philippe Rosset is a writer, teacher, poet and traveler. His interests extend to archaeology, the study of ancient wisdom and the exploration of consciousness.

His work is based on an interdisciplinary approach, at the crossroads of mythology, philosophy, literature and science. In his book "Merlin, the magic of consciousness", published by Véga, Philippe Rosset succeeded in synthesizing all of the themes that occupy research on the role of consciousness (the role of water, the nature of time, the hypothesis of delocalized consciousness…)
while exploring the relationship between ancient myths and modern understanding of consciousness

From exploration to self-discovery

As an explorer, Rosset focuses on how certain artifacts and places on the planet can offer insights into past cultures and spiritualities, while also providing resonance with our current times. 


A little more about my world

Media & Interviews

Explore the territories of self-knowledge and personal development, through the pages of my books, but also through the remains of ancient civilizations and the mysteries of sacred places. Diving into the stars, discovering the buried secrets of our past, while seeking to answer the great universal question of the meaning of life, such is my ambition. 


Find my interviews

 Find interviews, podcasts and conferences by Philippe Rosset, regularly invited to leading media

Philippe -Rosset chez Lilou, chaine youtube Conscience
Interviewed by Lilou, to talk about Merlin the magic of Consciousness
Philippe Rosset chez NureaTV pour son livre Merlin la magie de la conscience
Interviewed by Nurea TV, to talk about Merlin the Magic of Consciousness
teaser du livre SAGA les 9 clés de la sagesse Islandaise
Teaser of the book SAGA, the 9 keys to Icelandic wisdom

My other books

Explore the world in search of more meaning

Reader reviews

They liked my last book. Here are their testimonies...

Because the work of a writer is only important if it has readers, I wanted to thank you, fellow readers, for your positive feedback on my latest work. My ambition for the next books remains the same: to continue to question the nature of our world and explore, with you, its mysteries, while maintaining an insatiable curiosity, enthusiasm and open-mindedness, with our feet on the Earth.

Philippe Rosset leads us through the archetypal figure of Merlin, who symbolizes all the wonders of nature and the powers of consciousness, to know ourselves better so that we too can bring out our hidden talents, and re-enchant our world thanks to all these knowledge and myths which invite us to better understand our Universe in which we evolve.

It is a very beautiful book which contains innovative ideas and valuable advice to experiment with, all accompanied by an audio CD entitled “The Guided Meditations of Merlin” so that everyone can journey in their own way.
Blog "les lectures de Florinette"
A book that should be a landmark. There are many works that exist on the theme of consciousness but this one is very particular and I know that I will read it and reread it because it is dense and complete. 1) Very well done: it offers a summary of all the hypotheses on time and space but also on water (finally something clear), it is a gateway to the world of consciousness.

The meditation CD is a treat. The author manages to make concepts that are often complicated to understand when we are not scientists very accessible, and he does so with humility because he offers here suggestions for the conditional and takes precautions not to be dogmatic.
J Duval
A holistic book to read and reread!
Through the figure of Merlin, become aware of and discover the magic of water, the magic of time, of the universe. Journey to the heart of your self and reveal the power of your consciousness and the magic within you. You will also be able to connect with the 7 elements of Merlin, connect you to the blue stone of Presli, the apple tree of Bardsey or the sacred hawthorn of Glastonbury. The superb color photos and the beautiful meditations will transport you to magical places, timeless!

Thank you to Philippe Rosset for this wonderful work, for transmitting his knowledge to everyone, for a world that is waking up.
Interesting and enriching book. The texts are very telling and the author encourages us to form our own opinion throughout the pages. Meditations provide an added bonus and allow the content to be integrated through energetic work.
Vetty Astrella
Original and complete
Currently, reading it, this book is a gold mine:) a mine of information, well I will reread it once finished, there are plenty of tips, you should keep it close at hand.

This book talks about science, Glastonbury I know and I would go back there if someone wants to accompany me :) the meditation CD is a balm for the soul, in short I have put it in my best books for 5 years :) ) oops thank you to Claire from the Claire de la Lune channel for talking to us about it (on Instagram this book), reference of choice;;;))
I just read this book and I must say it is very impressive. Here we have an excellent popularization of all the phenomena that we have heard about for a long time but in an accessible and educational form.

I read Guillemant's books but here it's more fluid, clearer and with less ego! Clarity, relevance and intelligence. This book is a gem....I'm impatiently waiting for the sequel.
Marie Audest
An Impressive book
Logo Philippe Rosset, auteur et voyageur

"A step aside
to shed light on reality"

Philippe Rosset

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En quête de Sens

La chaine YouTube qui recherche du sens aux mystères du monde

Découvrez également ma chaîne YouTube où je vous invite à découvrir des personnalités diverses qui évoquent leurs travaux sur les thèmes de la conscience, de l’archéologie, de l’ésotérisme, de la cryptozoologie et bien plus encore…

Ce devrait être la base de notre formation : « Connais-toi toi-même » était-il écrit sur le fronton du temple d’Apollon à Delphes. Les livres de développement personnel offrent des perspectives et des conseils pour vous aider à vous améliorer dans différents aspects de votre vie, que ce soit sur le plan professionnel, relationnel ou personnel. Ils peuvent vous aider à mieux vous connaître en vous incitant à réfléchir sur vos valeurs, vos croyances et vos comportements, ce qui peut conduire à une plus grande prise de conscience de soi.

Certains livres de développement personnel comme « SAGA, les 9 clés de la sagesse islandaise » ou « MERLIN, la magie de la conscience » fournissent des techniques et des stratégies concrètes que vous pouvez appliquer dans votre vie quotidienne pour améliorer votre vie. 

En travaillant sur vous-même, en identifiant vos forces et vos faiblesses, et en cherchant à vous améliorer constamment, cela amène une plus grande confiance en vous, une meilleure estime de soi et une plus grande satisfaction dans la vie. Attention : ce n’est en aucun cas une promesse de vie simple et facile ! Travailler sur soi, c’est aussi passer par une confrontation avec ses propres parts d’ombre !

« SAGA, les 9 clés de la sagesse islandaise » est un livre qui vous dévoile les secrets de force et de résilience des Islandais, en plongeant dans leurs mythes, légendes et sagas. Vous découvrirez 9 principes clés pour vivre une vie plus exaltante, ancrée et alignée avec votre destinée. Chaque clé ouvre une porte sur des connaissances ancestrales, entre respect des éléments naturels puissants, références à des mythes et légendes héroïques, ainsi qu’un accès à 81 mantras inspirants, qui vous guideront à votre tour dans votre quête personnelle de courage et de résilience.

C’est un livre original et audacieux car il fait le pari de vulgariser des thèmes parfois encore peu connus ou décriés : pouvoir de l’intention, nature de l’eau, rétrocausalité, astrologie… Philippe Rosset est parti de la figure de Merlin pour montrer que ce chamane primordial utilisait déjà le pouvoir de la conscience créatrice.

Pourquoi ne pas commencer votre chemin par « SAGA les 9 clés de la sagesse islandaise » ?

« SAGA » vous fera découvrir 9 principes de vie essentiels à votre développement personnel. Découvrez une sagesse authentique et un rapport au monde qui transforme notre vision du réel et notre conscience.

Les sagesses anciennes mettent souvent l’accent sur l’équilibre, l’harmonie et la connexion avec soi-même, avec les autres et avec le monde qui nous entoure. Ces sagesses, qui étaient en osmose avec la nature et le cosmos, offrent des outils et des pratiques à adapter à notre époque (il ne s’agit pas de revenir en arrière ni de copier aveuglément !) pour cultiver la paix intérieure, la compassion et la coopération, ce qui est particulièrement pertinent dans un monde souvent marqué par le stress, la compétition et la division.

L’éveil de la conscience implique une exploration profonde de soi-même, de ses pensées, de ses émotions, de ses motivations et de ses schémas de comportement. Cette connaissance de soi permet de mieux comprendre qui nous sommes vraiment et ce que nous voulons réellement dans la vie.
Eveiller sa conscience consiste aussi à aller au-delà des schémas présentés comme allant de soi (métro, boulot, dodo, impôts !) : c’est faire « un pas de côté » pour questionner le fonctionnement parfois absurde qui nous est présenté dans les médias comme étant une norme. Non, il n’y a pas de normes, tant que nous ne nous nuisons pas !